Community, Comfort, and Connection: Senior Co-Housing in Ontario

Friday Nov 17th, 2023

A peaceful scene of two women reading books in chairs.

Created in Denmark in the 1990s, co-housing is gaining traction in Ontario as seniors seek ways to live independently and share responsibilities and costs while developing strong social connections and building a circle of support as they age. From coast to coast, co-housing developments are cropping up, as well as private ventures, providing seniors with more choices than ever before to live healthy, engaged and creative lives with like-minded individuals. What is Co-Housing? According... [read more]

Tips for Buying a Home as a Senior

Monday Sep 30th, 2019

senior real estate mississauga ontario

As Accredited Senior Agents (ASA), we often share a lot of information regarding seniors and selling their homes. But there is another side to that same coin – buying a home as a senior. Making a late-in-life transition, such as purchasing a home, comes with many considerations – and, ultimately, some seniors opt to rent at this stage of life. However, many are drawn to owning their home and the benefits that are associated with homeownership. If you or someone you care about is... [read more]



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